Board of Directors

The Delavan Lake Improvement Association is a non-stock, not for profit organization incorporated in the State of Wisconsin. The By-Laws allow for 21 directors elected for 3-year terms on a staggered basis. Four officers are elected by the board immediately following the annual meeting: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Standing committees include Communication, Membership and Outreach and temporary committees are created on a project basis.
At the fall annual meeting, current goals are reviewed, and new ones proposed. We will only commit to a goal or project if we have one or more board members willing to lead the project, so there is always room for new board members with new ideas and the passion to lead the Association in initiatives that will further our mission.
Besides an interest in Delavan Lake, skills we are looking for include finance, communications, public speaking, event planning and environmental advocacy. Board members are asked to commit to a 3-year term and should be able to attend monthly weeknight meetings in Delavan as well as other municipal meetings as needed. We are always looking for enthusiastic and dedicated people who are interested in furthering our mission and goals.
If you are interested in being a board member, please email Bill Thummel at billt953@gmail.com for more information.
2024 Board
Bill Thummel, President
Kim O'Keefe, Vice President
Hugh Charvat, Secretary
Don Althoff, Treasurer
Gerri Green
Charlie Handel
Sue Heffron
Jeff LaMarre
Ben Nixdorf
Carol Radford

The Communication committee is responsible for website content, newsletters, and news releases.
Membership strives to recruit new members as well as retain current members, and works with homeowners associations to identify potential members and citizens who can attend municipal meetings when there are issues of significance to the Lake.
The Outreach committee is responsible for having members attend municipal meetings and report on issues of relevance. Currently those meetings include the Town’s Lake, Park and Tourism, Plan Commission, Board and Committee of the Whole meetings.