
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Delavan Lake Improvement Association (DLIA) is to help improve, protect and preserve the lake quality and all the land around it; to represent all those who own its property, and to help support a healthy and relaxing environment for our friends and visitors.
Our Strategy
The Delavan Lake Improvement Association (DLIA) advocates for policies and practices that support healthy lake water quality. The DLIA has maintained the primary focus of a ‘watchdog’ role, seeking to identify potential and existing issues that affect water quality and the long-term health of the lake.
We see our focus being in these areas:
Build and maintain a robust membership that can be used to fund projects and bring political leverage to bear. Support land uses and farming practices designed to slow sediment entering the lake from the watershed. Advocate and keep our members informed of current issues affecting the lake Seek our membership’s views and work towards long-term sustainable solutions.
Actively collaborate with other organizations to advance our purpose by maintaining constructive relationships with other lake monitoring partners including Town of Delavan, WDNR, Walworth County Conservation, USGS & the Delavan Lake Sanitary District.
Sponsor and support key projects and seek funding to implement. Fund these efforts primarily through fundraising efforts and the use of membership fees.
Engage the community by educating and informing them about important issues related to our purpose.

The original meeting minutes from the first DLIA meeting in 1895

Over the past century, the DLIA has championed numerous beneficial programs pertaining to the betterment of the Delavan Lake area. It currently has a membership of 320 families and business firms representing over 580 individuals.
Since its 1895 inception, the DLIA has taken a leadership role in the implementation of such significant lake projects as purchasing of grist mill rights to stabilize water level, weed control, sanitation and improvement of water quality, fire protection, road improvements, emergency services, fish stocking, working with the assessor to adjust the equalization of lake property valuation, enforcement of liquor laws, boating regulations, distribution of numbered plates for lake properties, zoning matters, purchase of fire and rescue equipment, tree planting, active role in sewer and lake rehabilitation projects and more recently, conducting studies for the possible creation of a lake management district, water-quality, and lake use plan.